Weekly Announcements
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Donate at our next blood drive on Tuesday, March 25th, from 2 - 6 pm. Help save lives and empower the health of your community. Call the main office at 757-495-1913, email hayley.leigh@kpc.org, or go to redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code "KEMPSPC" to register.
Share Your Faith Training
A.W Tozer said, "God is the Great Reality that gives meaning to all other realities." So, let's learn to share that Reality together!
Local & World Outreach Comm (LWOC) is sponsoring the following 3 "Share Your Faith" Sunday morning classes:
March 30 - 8:30 in the den, on the Three Circles presented by Chris Greenwood
April 6- 8:30 in classroom A-1, on the Way of The Master presented by Mike Rocca
April l3- 8:30 in classroom A-1, on God's Rescue Plan presented by Kevin Coyle
KPC WORSHIP ARTS invites all to attend the FREEDOM CONCERT April 5th at 7pm. Come and be encouraged and entertained as we declare the FREEDOM, PEACE, and HOPE Jesus gives through song, dance, sign, and celebration! Featuring Prevail Dance Ministries, KEYS Drumline, and all KPC Worship Ministries, this is a free community event you don't want to miss! Please, help us spread the word and invite your friends and neighbors! Contact Olivia at olivia.martin@kpc.org for more information.
Boy Scout Mulch Fundraiser
It's time to spruce up your garden beds and Troop 996 is here to help! Boy Scout Troop 996 will be having its annual Mulch Fundraiser beginning this Sunday and ending on March 30. Visit the table in the lobby for information on ordering and delivery. All orders and payment are due by March 30. Mulch delivery and spreading will be Saturday, April 5.
Let's fill our seats with your peeps! Let’s all invite friends and neighbors to join us for our Holy Week celebrations. It's not hard - just grab a few invitations (with or without peeps) and hand them out to people you may meet - in the grocery store, on a walk, at practices, wherever you may be. Let’s fill this church!
VBS Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for the week of July 7-11! This year we will travel on the KPC Express to Wonder Junction where we will visit important dates in history beginning with Jesus' Birth and finishing with His Return! We will learn so many things this summer through music, games, stories, video and don't forget snacks! Be sure to register online and secure your ticket for this amazing ride! Space is limited so sign up early!
We are also looking for Railroad Workers to help get kids to their destinations safely, and those workers that will be meeting them at each station! You can register to be a worker online also! See you at the station!Registration begins April15 at KPC.org. Contact Kim Soto to volunteer or for more information! Let's help this be the best VBS ever!
Walk for Life
The "Walk for Life" ministry drive is off and running with the Crisis Pregnancy Center! The KPC website will have the CPC/KPC fundraising page for those who decide to become a "Walker" and find people to donate and those who wish to give as well. The CPC table in the lobby will have fundraising forms that include the "Walk for Life" events happening in April. Information about the ministry will also be available at the table.
Men's Retreat
Men of the church! Mark your calendar for our Men's Retreat “The Man in the Mirror” May 16-18 (Friday evening - Sunday Morning). There will be worship, teaching, fellowship, and food as we study the Word and encourage each other to be mighty men of God! A team is being put together NOW to make this an amazing event. To be part of the planning team, please contact Walt Soto at congregationalcare@kpc.org. Registration begins soon!
KPC Kid's Volunteers Needed
KPC Kid's urgently needs compassionate adult volunteers to dedicate their time once a month to teach our Elementary aged children. Your commitment will directly impact the christian education and development or our children! No experience necessary, and training is free! For more information please contact Kim Soto at Kim.soto@kpc.org for information.
Christian Education Scholarship Fund
Applications for the 2025-26 KPC Christian Education Scholarship Program are now being accepted.
Applications for the Program are available in the church lobby or from Max Lyons (thebiblicalthinker@gmail.com or 757-715-0020).
Qualifications include: KPC membership, attending a Christian school (grade K5 or higher), a Christian college or homeschool, and financial need.
The deadline to return your completed application is Sunday, April 27th. You can give to this very important program by placing a check in the offering plate or online. Please write “Christian Education Scholarship Program” on the memo line.
KPC Blessing Box
The KPC Blessing box is now up and running! It is intended to help people who need help when the pantry is unavailable. You can drop off items inside the church office or put them directly in the box. Items frequently needed include nonperishables, unopened items, and nonexpired items. Call the church office for more information.
Wednesday Night Check-In
Wednesday Night Check-in resumes this week at 5 pm. Come for fellowship and enjoy a good meal with other KPC'ers. First-time visitors are free. Adults are $5, children (age 12 and under) $3, and a Family is $15.

KPC Lifegroups
Are you new to KPC or looking for a life group? You can check out the Life Groups page below to connect with your group today.
The KPC Library is open for ALL!
The "library in the lounge" is open every day that KPC is open! You can see if the KPC library has the book you'd like to borrow by using our honor system and record the info for the book you are checking out on the clipboard on the shelf. Call the church office with any questions.
We are not currently receiving any more donated books for the library.
Welcoming Garden Update
Thank you, KPC, for all your time and donations to help our garden flourish beautifully. Many people have enjoyed getting their hands dirty or simply admiring the native plants as they stroll along the garden path. None of this would be possible without your support, so thank you. See an update below on how the garden is progressing.