BUILDING CLOSURE Due to inclement weather, KPC will be closed Wed 2/19 through Fri 2/21 Stay tuned for updates

Beliefs & Values

What do we believe?

The Essentials Of Our Faith

As members of the Evangelical Presbytery Church (EPC), we adhere to the tenets of our faith as outlined in the EPC "The Essentials of our Faith" and these essentials are set forth in greater detail in the "Westminister Standards" comprised of the Westminister Confession of Faith, the Westminister Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. To view our essentials and learn more about the EPC, visit

The KPC Distinctives

Kempsville Presbyterian Church has distinctive emphases and priorities in its faith and life as a church of Jesus Christ. These define who it is and how it expresses its worship of God and its mission in the world. Members, staff persons, officers, and pastors of KPC should understand this definitive identity as reflected in these Distinctives:

1. kpc is evangelical.

2. kpc is charismatic.

3. kpc promotes the worship arts.

4. kpc is missional.

5. kpc is a praying church.

6. kpc promotes cultural awareness.

7. kpc practices spiritual warfare.

8. KPC invests in families.

The Manual of Operations gives a complete description of our beliefs and how we function here at KPC. On Sunday mornings, visit the deacon's desk to receive a printed copy, or click below to view it online.