BUILDING CLOSURE Due to inclement weather, KPC will be closed Wed 2/19 through Fri 2/21 Stay tuned for updates


Say hello to the leadership team at KPC

Meet our leadership

Reverend Tom Pitman


Pastor Tom Pitman has been pastoring since 1992 and started serving as the pastor of Kempsville Presbyterian Church in 2022. He's passionate about teaching God's truth through the Scriptures and sharing the love and mercy of our Father. Tom seeks to promote the Kingdom of God, the rule and reign of Jesus. Tom believes his call involves reaching, teaching, and equipping others to respond to God and have an authentic relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Tom earned a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of two books, "Reformed with Power" and "God Gives Women Authority". He and his wife Diana met in seminary, have been married since 1989, and enjoy spending time with their growing family.