Thank you, KPC, for all the time and donations you’ve contributed to help our garden flourish beautifully. Many people have enjoyed getting their hands dirty or simply admiring the native plants as they stroll along the garden path. None of this would be possible without your support, so thank you.
Below is an update on the garden’s progress.
If you would like to volunteer for planting (a green thumb is not required), please call the church office at 757-495-1913 for information on planting days. We are still accepting monetary donations for ongoing maintenance and to purchase more plants for the changing seasons. Checks can be sent to KPC or placed in the offering basket during worship. Please write "garden" on the memo line. Additionally, write "garden" on the outside of your envelope for cash donations.
You may also donate plants to the garden. Donation forms are available at the Welcome Center in the church's main lobby.
For any questions, please call the church office.